A new chapter for Hana Baby

A whole new chapter is beginning for Hana Baby, a new story to unfold. Read How the Hana Baby story began, and how it’s new owner Jenny plans to continue….

A new chapter for Hana Baby
  by Jenny South

Hello and welcome to a whole new chapter in the Hana Baby world. I’m Jenny the new director of Hana Baby. I want to take this opportunity to update you all on the goings on of the past few months. Also an opportunity for you to get to know me a little better.

I felt like with all stories we should start at the beginning, and we’ll go back and re-familiarise yourself with how Hana Baby started. Below you will find Melissa’s story on why and how she created Hana Baby.

It all began when Melissa's three week old baby girl Hannah wasn’t feeling well, and she wanted to be carried every single minute of the day, every day. So this is the story of Melissa and the birth of Hana Baby.

"I had been feeling very happy and secure in my role as a new mum, but then for the first time I felt stressed, unable to do anything. Our newborn daughter Hannah was asking for constant attention, so I could not put her down for a single second, not even when she was asleep, as she’d wake up again instantly. My hands were tied, and I couldn’t do anything, barely even make myself a sandwich or a drink.

Then I discovered the a wrap, and babywearing: it was instant love for the both of us! It was not just a carrier, it was far far better than that! It felt so tremendously comfortable for me, while Hannah felt so secure and safe that she'd be calm but awake or sweetly asleep, while I had my hands and freedom back!

But then the weather got hotter, and the more the temprature rose the hotter I got, the less I could use the wrap. I fashioned one of some thin material so I could continue to keep Hannah close to me, but it wasn't the greatest, nor the prettiest option.


I then went on a journey to try and find a suitable material that could give me everything I wanted and keep my dream of baby wearing alive.

It was then that I discovered bamboo viscose, light, airy and beautifully soft, but at the same time strong and insulating, keeping you warm or cool - the perfect material for a baby wrap for all seasons - and the start of a journey of the birth of a different Hana: The original bamboo wrap.

In 2024 It was time for Melissa and her now grown up family to have new adventures. Melissa has now passed the reins onto Jenny. A mother of three and long time lover of Hana Baby and all things Baby wearing.

Jenny lives in Devon on a small holding with her Husband, Grandmother and three boys.

A a busy mum I have found my Hana baby wrap to be an invaluable asset. I've worn all my babies, and have worn my littlest 'K' from being hours old.

With my oldest boy I had tried a few different makes of slings and carriers, but nothing that I had fell head over heels in love with. Not one sling did it all. 'H' was a February baby, and I needed something that would keep us both warm. Similar to Melissa I found a warp that was great for that. But when the Spring came and it started to get warmer I just couldn't use it as often as we would both end up being a hot sweaty mess.

It wasn't until my Summer born second 'G' came along that I knew I needed to find something that would do it all for me. I needed it to be cool in the summer heat but as the temperatures fell into autumn I didn't want to have to invest in a different product.

Thank goodness for my local Sling libary. They knew just want I needed. The lovely Lizzie handed me a Hana Baby wrap and as soon as the soothingly soft fabric touched my fingertips it was LOVE.

From then on we've been Hana Baby fans. So much so, that I decided to join Mel in running Hana Baby behind the scenes.

I have been working closely with Melissa for a few years now, and when she shared the news that she was thinking of moving on to something new. I thought I have to find a way to make this work.

There’s been a lot of hard work behind the scenes but as of this month I am now the proud owner of the Hana Baby brand, and will be running the show from now on. I can’t wait to get started….

It will be business as usual, with the same outstanding quality, and super soft slings that we are known for.

I am working with our manufactures to hopefully bring you all some newness in the not too distant future.

Also taking the time to reach out to all the sling libraries who have sung our praises and loved our products all these years. (If you're reading this, and that’s you please get in touch)

Most of all I’m looking forward to supporting expectant parents, new mothers, brand new newborns and babies, with our wonderful slings and bamboo products.

So there you have it. Your all caught up! Speak soon


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