Try before you buy

Try before you buy

If you would like to hire a Hana Baby wrap, Expand carrier, or be given a demonstration in store.

Then please use our interactive map to see where your nearest Reseller or Sling Library is located.

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Here to help

Why try before you buy?

Sling Libraries and baby wearing consultants are an invaluable source of knowledge and information.

Sling libraries up and down the country offer advice, support, and fitting help, day in day out, with most of these services being volunteer lead.

At most sling libraries you can hire a Hana Baby Sling or Expand carrier for a specific amount of time to see if you and your baby like it before committing to buy.

We are so confident you will fall in love with our products that we have put this interactive map together to show you where your nearest sling library or consultant is.

On the map you will also find our nearest resellers if you prefer to buy in person rather than online.

Are you a Sling Library?

If you are a Sling Library and would like to be added to our sling library locator please contact us at

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